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Getting Started

Your personal contact will help you import images and get started with the image bank. Please contact us directly when questions arise and we will help you further.


Upload images in alla common file formats.

Tag Images

Tag a group of images.

Change title on an image

Share Images

Create a sharing link to share a single image or multiple images as a zip archive. The sharing link requires no users and makes it quick for external people to access files.

Search with word forms

If you are searching for words in different word forms, you will still find all pictures regardless of form.

Search and Advanced Search

Use keywords and negative keywords to make a more accurate selection.

Time-limited use

If an image has a time-limited right of use, employees may be prevented from downloading the images when the date has expired.

New User

Create a new user and set permissions.

Predefined Tags

Administrator users can create predefined tags to simplify tagging for other employees.

Appearance Settings

Change how much information you want to display under thumbnail images.

More Support

Our support pages contains more material, observe that your user role might not have access to all the featuers described here. To the support pages